A charitable and Educational Trust
R.K.Foundation is a medical & educational trust, founded during 2003. Through this trust, educational programs to the medical fraternity and to the public at large are conducted. Public and Parent education and awareness programs on various topics such as Asthma, Swine Flu, Dengue Fever and various diseases in children and so also parenting and grand parenting are conducted on regular basis over a decade.
AIR Programs are broadcasted on various common diseases in children as well as live phone-in programs to educate common man. Quiz programs on Health, Hygiene & Nutrition for more than 6 weeks are conducted for school children which is aired through Akashvani. R.K.Foundation has published few books and booklets on various topics such as “ My Child Refuses to Eat”, “Teens Turmoil”, “Swalp Kelri NimmaMaguvigagi” (Listen for child’s sake), “Punishments in Children”, “Mom & Daddy You are Great” “ Oh Daddy You are the Best”
The Foundation is conducting activities in the following fronts:
Education to Doctors
Through R.K Foundation regular medical education in recent advances is conducted every year. This is to focus improvement of medical standard in family physicians and rural practitioners. The CME programs are titled “VISION”. Since 2003 every year these CME are conducted on various topics of general interest. There are very well attended by pediatricians as well as family physicians.
Recognizing eminent doctors of National repute
The Foundation recognizes eminent pediatricians of the country who have excelled and they are honoured with Silver Jubilee Oration of Vithal Institute of Child Health & Speciality Centre. (After completion of 25 years of Children’s Hospital). Doctors from Delhi, Bombay, Chennai, Poona, Bangalore, Hyderabad and other places are honored with the Oration Award. This has benefited innumerable doctors.
Educational programs for parents
Conducted Medical educational programs for the benefit of parents, grandparents, teachers and public at large.